- M0NOGAMY - "Grey Area" EP (guitars, drum machine, vocals, production) [2024]
- Amanda [single] [2023]
- Once You Get Low You've Gotta Start Flying Baby [2023]
- Scout Gillett - "one to ten" EP (guitar) [2022]
- "Everybody Cares, Everybody Understands: A Tribute to Elliott Smith" ("The White Lady Loves You More") [2022]
- "Touchdown U.S.A." EP [2021]
- "Sadomania" EP [2019]
- "You Can Sing Me Anything: A Tribute to the Magnetic Fields 69 LOVE SONGS" ("No One Will Ever Love You") [2018]
- "ILL." [2018]
- "all your bad habits talk behind your back" (guitar, vocals, add. production) [2017]
- "REFRESH 2 DEATH" EP [2017]
- Brimstone Blondes - "First Impressions Are Everything / Touchdown U.S.A." [2016]
- Dangerlips - "HOOKED" [2016]
- Brimstone Blondes - "AGE OF CONSENT" [2014]
- Brimstone Blondes - "When We Were Blonde" EP [2013]
- "Misadventures" (OUT OF PRINT) [2011]